



Sycamore Stages

Talks designed to transform

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In the spotlight

Always one for getting out of her comfort zone, Hannah is currently experiencing more of a demand to speak about PR in a live environment, both online and in person. She is open for opportunities to help and to share on stage with those who need to hear more about why people shy away from PR as a strategy.

Growing the confidence to shine

PR is about confidence and Hannah draws on her experience to give the type of insights that will dispel the myths surrounding PR. It's about gaining the realisation that everyone is on a journey and that PR is a process which involves some training and even more encouragement. Everyone has a story to tell.

Taking Centre Stage

Here are some of the inspiring topics we share about:

Impostor Syndrome – Women in business

Hannah shares her own experiences of leadership in the workplace to uncover the lies, and help you say goodbye to a fear of being exposed. Learn how to embrace your individual skills, talents and accomplishments so that you too can put an end to the fraud of self sabotage.

PR Uncovered – Build and Boost your personal brand.

What the PR journey can look like for a business, from start up to international icon and how PR is a viable alternative to other methods of marketing. We'll explore how PR can help businesses and brands to enhance their public image without the brands themselves having to do any heavy leg work.

Crisis Comms – Take control of the narrative.

What to do in comms go wrong and how to get the narrative back on your terms. It's so important to know what to do in a difficult public relations event as taking the wrong approach can be catastrophic. Whether it's dealing with data theft, cyber-crime or internal malpractice, a swift and effective crisis management strategy is essential.

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A qualified public speaker, Hannah knows how to command a room, and with her profound knowledge of the manifold possibilities afforded by PR, she never disappoints.
Hannah is currently looking for opportunities to share her inspirational story and PR insights with groups of business women. Get in touch today and find out how PR can make exciting things happen.



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